Read all about our photoshoot adventures 


It’s Your Turn

 A luxury photoshoot experience designed just for you—this summer, for a limited time: June 14-15-16

COCO HAUS Productions COCO HAUS Productions

The perfect revenge

Revenge Photoshoot

(noun)re·venge/rəˈvenj/ pho·to shoot/ˈfōdō SHo͞ot/

The process of self exploration during a glamour or boudoir photoshoot after exiting a toxic relationship. The perfect re-entry onto social media that says “F*ck the past & the haters, I’m ready for an exciting new future – done my way.” It’s a coming out party for your bad-a** self.

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COCO HAUS Productions COCO HAUS Productions

Sophisticated Body Paint

There are a few photoshoot concepts that I cannot get enough of and gold body paint is one of them. The story behind this shoot was to create a golden goddess from a different time and I think we accomplished it!

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